Howell Mountain Phase II
Wildfire Fuel Reduction Project
What exactly are we doing?
We are creating necessary fuel breaks and defensible space for our community alongside the roadways. This reduces the spread of wildfire in our area. Our state of the art machinery clears trees and vegetation that is at risk of fueling the next fire. Our highly trained crews know exactly how to take care of our area without destroying our valued trees.
Where is this Project taking place?
From north intersection of Deer Park Rd and Sanitarium Rd, down both roads to Silverado Trail.
How will this effect me?
Expect up to 15 minute road delays with 1 way traffic control and lane closures.
Please be mindful of our crews while driving through our work-zones.
How long will this project take?
Our crews are working as fast as possible, utilizing mechanized equipment to make this project go by smoothly for everyone affected. This projects timeline is from October - December 2022.